Tuesday, February 9, 2010


KA-BOOM! That is the perfect word to describe to funny/surprising situations that happened the last two days. First I picked up Jacob from school yesterday to be told by his teacher that he had cut a chunk out of his hair and received a white slip! KA-BOOM! What I was speechless, my sweet, innocent, never in trouble Jacob? It was true. Though you really can't tell because his hair is a mess and grows funny anyway. So he was grounded from television yesterday and lectured by both Jasson and I last night. He was told to apologize to his teacher and I told him I will check to make sure he did apologize.

So the second KA-BOOM came this morning on the way to school. Jacob says Bella (who was headed to the groomer) is eating something off the floor of the car. "man mom you sure have a lot of spots back here" Yes Jacob it's because of you and your sister. "Well you need KA-BOOM you know from oxy-clean it works on most any surface and really gets the stains out" WoW he just receited the entire KA-BOOM commercial. As it turns out the no tv last night was a good idea because he obviously watches WAY TOO MUCH TV!

1 comment:

  1. Way too much TV! Give Jacob a break. He NEVER gets to be in trouble.
